Roslyn Hamiton’s CRPS Story

Written by Roslyn Hamilton for the RSDSA blog.

Are you engaged in pursuing your dreams? Are you committed to your passion in life? I wasn’t – with 50 years on and off with insufficient priority given to my violin. To my horror I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). Formerly Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy – RSDS in my left hand which resulted in bent knuckles, limited flexibility and more. While it has improved a lot since splint was taken off, it has a way to go. My story is not medical advice, just in my humble opinion, an opportunity to share alternative choices after the medication gabapentin made it worse.

An inspirational friend said dire things can happen if you are not fulfilling your mission in life. I believe CRPS happened to me due to the severe trauma of breaking forearm, old hyper vigilance, and disassociation from childhood abuse, divorce, and immune issues of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). The MCS was due, I believe, was primarily contracted from Johns Hopkins University Tissue Culture Lab radiation and toluene exposure. Genetic Marfanoid Syndrome in my family, I feel is also a factor in structural weakness of collagen for more impact from this injury.

Please see following partial list what has helped since July 4th, 2018: To date: 38 Massages including ice therapy, ortho-bionomy treatments with K. DeTienne and K. Fuller at Gresham Therapeutic Massage Center, others for osteopathy, 48 Acupuncture sessions at Working Class Acupuncture, 9 Kaiser Physical Therapy sessions, Olympic Gym, 3 of D. Day DC, supplements and organic nutrition, tapping Emotional Freedom Technique, renewed attendance at Al-Anon 12 steps for families and friends of alcoholics. I’m also reducing stress with the support of prayers by friends, Reiki, Tai Chi, Dances of Universal Peace, musical sound baths of Tom Grant Jazz, KBOO bluegrass, Tibetan Singing Bowl and folk song circles.

I find that my affected hand area likes damp and cold compression from wrapping of an old silk shirt, natural fiber or socks cut to fit with ice packs when irritated, which was 24/7. In 2008, I recovered from lower extremity CRPS after feeling burning under the cast for two cracked foot bones. I don’t know why it resolved, just very grateful it did.

Vanity Fair Article quote “Martin Luther King preached six principles of nonviolence, D’Angelo explained, “the Parkland kids were embarking on “No. 4: SUFFERING CAN EDUCATE AND TRANSFORM.” And King singled out a particular kind of suffering: “Unearned suffering is redemptive and has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.” Ron Block wrote a lovely tune- There is a reason for hard times, as sung by Alison Krauss.  Keep the faith!

Warm wishes for a Happier Healthier Harmonious New Year 2019.

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