Susie’s Remission Story

Written by Susie for the RSDSA blog.

Hello, my name is Susie. I got diagnosed with CRPS in 2015.

It started in 2012 when I had plantar fascia surgery. It spread to my other foot after a dental procedure. It got so bad that I was in a wheelchair.

I was off work for two years because I was in so much pain. The treatments I did to get into remission are 1000 mg vitamin C daily, laterality training for my brain, sympathetic nerve blocks, Calmare, ketamine infusions, and finally aspinal cord stimulator.

It took me about seven months of reprogramming the spinal cord stimulator and sometimes dealing with increased pain when it was on the wrong settings. Now I charge it up and when the battery dies, I leave it off for a few weeks because the residual effect lasts for me.

I found that I had to get one of the very lowest vibration settings then leave it off for a few weeks until my feet start hurting again then I charge it up.

The pain now is nothing compared to what it was. I think all the treatments that I did contributed a little to me getting better. I use the vitamin C daily to prevent it from spreading.

I’m cautious of procedures and surgery. I’ve researched so much, bought Dr. Katinkas book, listened to numerous YouTube seminars (like the one from Dr. Getson).

I never gave up. I knew remission was possible and once I found out what I had I never stopped. I really want to help people that have CRPS. I work at Kaiser and I educate all the providers on the illness so we can spread the word.

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