A Conversation With Our Newest CRPS Blogger

Lorna, our newest blogger, discusses life with CRPS and introduces herself to the CRPS communityBy Lorna Fortner

Lorna is a member of the CRPS. As a new blogger, she wanted to introduce herself and tell her story before she continues on her blogging journey. We bet that many of you will be able to relate to Lorna. Make sure to give her a warm welcome.

Hi, y’all, I’m Lorna Fortner.   I have CRPS2 since 1994, but it took about 7 years to get the diagnosis.

Since I new to blogging, maybe a little background would be nice for you to fill in some of the gaps.

I was born in Wisconsin in 1951.  Had asthma-first attack at 6 mos.  For the chronic sore throats, they once gave me penicillin, at age 3, I had an anaphylactic (life threatening) reaction. My tongue swelled up.  Never got that medicine again.   I was “sickly” as they said back then.  Some may have noticed the technical language-I’m an old ex-Operating Room nurse-although they say, being a nurse is like being in the mafia-once you’re in, you’re in for life.   But back to the issue We are all discussing here: RSD, CRPS1, CRPS2.

One thing I glean from the medical field & through the eyes & ears of my fellow sufferers, is this: Whenever the doctor says the diagnosis, & a bunch of letters, my first reaction, was, “huh?” It’s a foreign language.  I remember the day, the Dr. said, “you have CRPS, type 2,” my response and the nurse attending me at the moment, asked, “What is ‘CRPS type 2?”  “Oh, it is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, type 2.”

I have the “cold” type mostly, but it can, without warning, start burning. My calf will cramp waking me up from a sound sleep.  For awhile I wanted to be a “Conehead” for those of you who remember “Conehead” movie, the skits on the “old SNL” shows.

The “experts” say it is caused by some injury and symptoms generally appear about 6 months after.  I hadn’t had an injury. HOWEVER, I did have back surgery.  While recuperating my husband I would go for walks around the block, but not even halfway through, my foot, toes started feeling like my sock was bunched up or something, on my right foot.  I’d have to sit down, straighten out, put my shoe back on, etc. Start walking again, and the SAME symptoms appeared.  Then I concluded it MUST be the shoes.  Bought New shoes.  Same result.

Back to the doctors, who sent me to neuropathic physiologist who did the tests, EMG (electromyelogram) and an NCS- Nerve Conduction Study.  There were distinct abnormalities between my right & left leg.  (Duh!- that’s what I’d been telling them!)

Stay tuned for more from Lorna! What do you want to see her write about?

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