I Will Help the Unseen Be Heard

Written by Lucy R. for the RSDSA blog.

In the beginning of 2015, I was diagnosed with CRPS after I fractured both of my ankles. I was devastated and taken aback to have not only such a painful condition, but also such a misunderstood and under-researched one as well. My life became unrecognizable compared to what it used to be- I went from being an active social fifth grader to a girl in a wheelchair going to appointments and hospital visits every day.

Thankfully, after months and months of physical and water therapy, I was able to gain my function back to the point where I could walk on my own again. Despite this, my pain was still raging through my body, and even today seven years later I still haven’t lived a second without it.

However, instead of focusing on my pain, I am motivated to make a better life for myself and others who have struggled like I have. I am compelled to share my experiences, not only to educate others about CRPS, but also to represent all who deal with an invisible illness. Chronically With A Cause, is an Instagram page dedicated to building connections, giving support, and raising awareness. I research chronic pain conditions, compose graphic designs with content, and have created this documentary by interviewing chronic pain sufferers.

My symptoms will be the same tomorrow, and most likely the same in a week, a month, and a year from now. I’m at peace with that. I stopped denying how significant pain is in my life and I started making the most out of the circumstances given to me. If somehow there is a miraculous cure for me, my voice will still be used to advocate for those who suffer with any chronic pain–and especially those whose suffering is “invisible.” I will help the unseen be heard, one loud step at a time.

Connect with Lucy on Instagram at @chronicallywithacause.

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