Jennifer’s Legacy

Written by James W. Broatch, RSDSA’s Executive Vice President, Director

I want to introduce you to a special book which was recently published as a testimony to Jennifer Abramson’s brief but wonderful and impactful life.

Jennifer lived only 31 years. However, her wisdom and can-do spirit live on in JEN’S Gift, a book which is filled with Jen’s poems, insights, and quotes that touched her soul. The posts were uploaded to her Instagram account lovingly titled Goal2Soul (Sending Out Unlimited Love).  Annie Abramson, Jen’s mother writes, this is Jen’s gift to us. Every page reflects the humor, wisdom and feelings we need to help us appreciate our own journey in life… May her gift inspire you and may you too be touched by her love and kindness.”

Jennifer was a beautiful young woman who graduated with a BA in Communications from Rutgers and worked for a publicist until discovering her passion for acting as a corporate host and spokesperson while acting in commercials. But life can change on a dime. Jen developed Lyme disease and was exposed to black toxic mold which entered her body. After years of treatment for Lyme and mold, she developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS Type 2.  Rendered homebound with indescribable pain, Jen created her Instagram account posting beautiful, unique photos with insights, quotes, clever humor, and wisdom that will inspire you. Jen passed away in November 2016.

Her Mom took her creation and published it, hence we have Jen’s Gift! It is truly a special read and will touch your heart, a book for all ages.

ALL proceeds from the sale of Jen’s Gift will be gifted to RSDSA, to help promote greater awareness of CRPS, further research, and help find better treatments and a cure.

Diane Martin shared her thoughts after reading JEN’S Gift, “my daughter and I had the honor of knowing Jen. She was such an inspiration to all. Jen’s Gift was an such an amazing inspirational book. Jen had a gift for words. Her book is filled with such beautiful quotes and pictures that went along with them beautifully. Jen was wise way beyond her years. I found myself laughing, crying at times and learned not to take life for granted.”

To purchase your copy, please visit

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