Jodi’s Story of Hope – DRG Stimulator and CRPS

The following story of hope is about Jodi, a CRPS Warriors from Ainsworth Institute of Pain Management.

“Jodi, like most women, does it all. She is a mom, Nonna, baker, kickboxing instructor, softball player, wife, sister, you name it! Jodi led a very active, very busy and very happy life.

On April 17th, 2014 while on vacation, Jodi was involved in an automobile accident that would leave her with a broken ankle. Jodi’s doctor noticed her ankle wasn’t healing properly and there was a lot of sensitivity in the leg near and around the broken ankle that was not normal. Her doctor had a hunch it was Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or CRPS… a short time later the became progressively worse and the diagnosis was confirmed.

Upon hearing this news, Jodi was devastated. Normal activities like shaving her legs were so excruciating it would cause her to cry!

Jodi needed a cane and a “plethora of pain meds” just to walk a block.Nothing worked – dozens of medications and even a spinal cord stimulator that stopped working after just a few weeks!

She had a life to live, and responsibilities to herself and her loved ones, to be the best person she could be.

Jodi scoured the Internet to learn more about RSD and CRPS, searching for a way to treat her condition. Soon she came upon the Ainsworth Institute. “I read all about Dr. Hunter and was hugely impressed!” The next thing she knew she found herself 12 stories above Manhattan and for the first time in a long time there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

‘He was very confident and genuine and the staff were very attentive and nice,’ said Jodi. The combination of the two changed Jodi’s mood and she couldn’t wait to begin her healing process, and this time hopefully for good.

Dr. Hunter discussed the DRG Stimulator which had just been approved by the FDA only a few weeks before and he was one of less than 30 physicians in the country chosen to perform it. A short time later, Jodi received a trial of the DRG stimulator and she felt “a world of difference”. Her pain was reduced by 90%!!! She was walking without her cane less than an hour after it was put in. It worked so well that when it was time for the trial to be removed, she cried because she didn’t want to go back to the pain she felt before. Because of her amazing results with the DRG stimulator trial, she received her permanent DRG implant on May 3rd, 2016 and the rest is history!

‘I made the real appointment for February 29th, 2016. I will always remember that date because its the day that changed my life!’

Take a moment to check out Jodi’s before and after videos.

Fast forward almost two months and Jodi has become the patient face of the DRG Stimulator in the tristate area. Jodi has since done television interviews sharing her experience and inspiring story.

A few of us here at the Ainsworth Institute were able to walk alongside Jodi and her family at the Achilles International 2016 Walk for Hope and Possibility (RSDSA). Not only was Jodi able to walk the 1.35-mile route completely cane free but she served as a symbol of hope for the CRPS community.

“The walk gave me hope, and happiness knowing I didn’t give up.”

If you had told me, before I had my DRG stimulator, that I would be walking a mile and half without my wheelchair or cane I would not have believed you.

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