Meet Our Team: Alexis Davis

This summer, we’re taking the time to introduce the RSDSA team to our Warriors and their families so you can know the names and faces behind our organization.

Alexis Davis RSDSAWhat is your name and title?

I am Alexis Davis and I am the social media manager for RSDSA.

How long have you been with RSDSA?

I have been with RSDSA since April of this year and I have enjoyed every moment of the journey so far!

What is your favorite part about working with RSDSA?

My favorite part about working with RSDSA is learning more about CRPS, having the opportunity to tell the stories of Warriors who have the syndrome, and helping to spread awareness. This role has taught me a lot about what chronic pain sufferers, as well as the disabled, go through and how we can all assist to make their days and lives easier.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

Since I also manage the RSDSA blog, I am always on the lookout for stories I can tell and physicians/specialists that I can interview. I have learned a lot from the stories I have read and posted so far, so I know Warriors would enjoy receiving information and updates from others they can relate to and/or learn from.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is from Winston Churchill and it is “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

What are you passionate about?

I am very passionate about teaching people how to use social media for good. While there can be a lot of negative aspects to the social platforms we know and love, there are many positives such as education, connection, support, and more. The RSDSA channels, especially our Facebook Page are a prime example of this.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

I just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy and I think it is my new favorite destination. Venice was my favorite city of the trip as it is amazing how a city like that could have been built without today’s modern technology. Croatia is a close second!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

When I do have a free moment, I love photography, running, and reading news stories ranging from tech to current events.

Share a fun fact about you. It can be personal or related to RSDSA.

This may not be a fun fact, but it certainly is a conversation starter! I ran track in high school and I was also a high jumper. I somehow managed to get a concussion during track practice while high jumping. If you must know the full story, feel free to shoot me a note. 😉

Keep an eye on the RSDSA blog for more from our team all summer long!

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