Meet Our Team: Tracy Geer

This summer, we’re taking the time to introduce the RSDSA team to our Warriors and their families so you can know the names and faces behind our organization.


What is your name and title?

I’m Tracy Geer and I’m the RSDSA Office Manager.

How long have you been with RSDSA?

November will mark nine years at RSDSA!

What is your favorite part about working with RSDSA?

My favorite part about RSDSA is working with Jim Broatch, our Executive Vice President and Director, and when a Warrior thanks us for helping and the information we provide them.

What is your favorite quote?

My favorite quote is easily, “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.”

What are you passionate about?

I’m equally passionate about my husband and my family.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

My own backyard or anywhere in or on the water!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

When I’m not working with RSDSA, I enjoy sailing, camping, and cruising with my husband!

Keep an eye on the RSDSA blog for more from our team all summer long!

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Please reach out to the RSDSA team directly and privately using our form and we'll get back in touch with you as soon as possible!