Shining a Light – The Fight Against CRPS/RSD Continues

Written by Bryan D. Pope of The Cochran Firm for the RSDSA blog as a silver sponsor of RSDSA’s First Virtual CRPS Awareness Walk.

The last five months have been hard on everyone as we deal with the impacts of COVID-19 in our society. I have represented victims of negligence my entire career and have seen people struggle with the aftermath of life altering injuries.

Having personally represented many members of the CRPS community for over 20 years, I know these past few months have been especially difficult for CRPS/RSD Warriors.  They already face isolation and deal with challenges such as difficulty sleeping and trouble concentrating and completing simple tasks due to the never-ending pain and discomfort. Now they are dealing with being at high risk for COVID-19 due to their compromised immune systems and being afraid to go to doctor appointments for fear of potential exposure.

Our law firm has worked hard to keep our team and our clients safe and healthy. We have set up remote workspaces and operate via Zoom for depositions, court hearings, calls with clients, etc.

We have also paid particular attention to the well-being of our CRPS clients because we understand the struggles they deal with. This includes setting up calls with them to make sure they know we are here for them. We want them to see our faces, feel comfortable with the status of their legal cases and to make sure they know we are still working on their cases despite the “new normal.”

We know the pain and struggles of CRPS can be difficult to explain to family and friends. This is why it is so important to get support from organizations like Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA).

We are proud to continue our partnership with RSDSA as a silver sponsor of the upcoming First Virtual CRPS Awareness Walk. On Saturday, August 22nd, we will all be wearing orange as we continue to raise awareness of CRPS/RSD.  Join us in the Fight Against the Flame!

Please consider making a donation to RSDSA today!

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