Supporting the CRPS Community
Our History
The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Milford, CT, founded in 1984 by Rosalyn Davis and Audrey Faith Thomas. Our mission is to provide support, education, and hope to all affected by the pain and disability of CRPS/RSD, while driving research to develop better treatments and a cure.
RSDSA is governed by a national Board of Directors and guided by a Scientific Advisory Committee, and we mail out hundreds of introductory packets via physical mail and email on an annual basis.
Board of Directors
Bryan is a managing partner in The Cochran Firm – Texas and also litigates catastrophic personal injury and wrongful death cases.
In 2007, RSDSA recognized his contributions by honoring him with the Bounty of Hope Lecture. Additionally, he was elected Chair of the CRPS group of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) for two consecutive two-year terms, during which he organized two international symposia related to CRPS. Dr. Prager also maintains an active spinal cord stimulator practice. His contributions to the field were acknowledged by the North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), the society of physicians and scientists dedicated to implantation devices for the control of pain and movement disorders, with its Lifetime Achievement Award.
Scientific Advisory Committee
Annual Report
RSDSA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Founded in 1984, we are the oldest organization dedicated to supporting the CRPS/RSD community, funding research to find better treatments and ultimately a cure for this rare disease that afflicts people with chronic, potentially debilitating pain.
In addition to viewing our audit and annual accomplishments, you may find additional information about our activities and success stories throughout our website. We are also available to speak with you one-to-one about support opportunities. Thank you for your interest in RSDSA.
Here is our 2022 and 2021 audit for your review, as well as our 2022 initiatives and accomplishments.