Meet Our Team: Pam Kientzler

This summer, we’re taking the time to introduce the RSDSA team to our Warriors and their families so you can know the names and faces behind our organization.

Pam Kientzler RSDSAWhat is your name and title?

I’m Pamela (Pam) Kientzler, and my title is Administrative / IT Support.

How long have you been with RSDSA?

I’ve been with RSDSA for a little over eight years. Before RSDSA, I worked for an insurance owned broker dealer / investment advisor for 20 years and worked from home for the last five years after moving to Connecticut in 2002. After retiring, I worked various jobs until I landed here at RSDSA in 2011!

What is your favorite part about working with RSDSA?

I would have say that every day is different. When I first came to RSDSA I had no idea what RSD/CRPS was, so over the years I’ve learned a lot about this syndrome and love when I can help the person on the phone that needs support and help. I may be the only person who will listen to them and hopefully offer them some assistance. I also like the variety of things that I do on any given day such as managing the RSDSA website, creating graphics, preparing Constant Contact emails, etc. There is never a dull moment in the day.

What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now?

Warriors are always looking for local Support Groups and RSDSA has a page dedicated solely to them. When a person contacts RSDSA and says they’ve emailed a support group with no response or the telephone number and email does not work, I decided to contact each support group and see if they were active or not. If they are active, I’m making revisions to their information. This has been quite an undertaking.

If you are a support group leader, or have been in the past, please visit our Support Group page and see if you are still listed. If you are still listed and no longer active or have revisions please contact me at [email protected]

What is your favorite quote?

I’m not really a control freak but… can I show you the Right Way to do that? – Pamela Kientzler 🙂

What are you passionate about?

At this stage in my life, my husband, Gary, and our family. I have a son, a daughter, and six grandchildren ranging from 4 to 21 years old. I’m also a CrossFit enthusiast and love working out!

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Home is my favorite place. We’re lucky to live across the street from the Long Island Sound with a beautiful view. Next would be visiting my kids in New York and Pennsylvania. Lastly, would be Alaska, Germany, and Australia. The latter is a very, very long trip but totally worth it!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Taking care of my home, spending time with family and friends, sitting/walking on the beach on a beautiful sunny day or better yet when it’s raining outside. I’m also a runner of sorts and try to out at least three to four times a week.

Share a fun fact about you. It can be personal or related to RSDSA.

I’m a little OCD… well a lot OCD, but I call it organized. I love being organized and knowing I drive people crazy.

Playing Candy Crush and Candy Crush Saga is also a hobby of mine and is all my daughter and granddaughters fault as they got me hooked! I also enjoy learning new software on the computer, it’s like playing to me.

I’m really into alternative medicine, healing, and doing things as naturally as I can. I’m in the process of learning Emotional Freedom technique (EFT) or tapping, using essential oils. Lastly, I’m a Reiki Practitioner, level one and two certified!

Keep an eye on the RSDSA blog for more from our team all summer long!

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Please reach out to the RSDSA team directly and privately using our form and we'll get back in touch with you as soon as possible!