Written by Bryan Pope of The Cochran Firm – Dallas for the RSDSA blog.
Walking. Today is a day that we walk for those who cannot. We are the spouses, the children, the parents, the friends, the relatives, the extended family, the legal counselors, the caregivers, the first responders, the medical providers. We walk to raise money to help find a cure for this hideous disease. We walk so the world will understand how the fire that breathes into their limbs can be so consuming that some think there is no way out. We walk with a purpose today so that those who have been knocked down can one day walk on their own. Today we Walk for CRPS.
Bryan Pope is the co-founder of The Cochran Firm – Dallas and is focused on cases involving victims of RSD or CRPS. Mr. Pope is also a sponsor of RSDSA’s 2nd Annual Virtual CRPS Awareness Walk.